Employee Housing Policy
Camp Deerpark may furnish housing for employees in some cases in either a temporary or on-going basis. The following policy applies to all employee housing of any term. Any individual’s presence in housing implies consent to this policy.
Camp is interested in following Jesus by providing a safe, pleasant, and peaceful living environment to resident employees while protecting the building, assets, and organization held in Stewardship for our owning churches and those we serve.
Housing Basis
Housing is assigned exclusively by the Administration.
Camp furnishes all housing to employees as a license to occupy the residence that may be altered, terminated, or revoked by the Administration at any time with advanced notice. While Camp seeks to practice Christian justice and mutual support for employees and their families, housing is provided primarily to support the ministry of Camp to our constituents. Decisions about housing will be made by the Administration based on (1) first, what meets the needs of Camp as and organization and (2) second, what meets the needs of employees and their families. Housing, as an aspect of employment, is a Human Resource area, and greivences that arise from housing and housing policy will follow the Employee Grievance process and should be reported to the Administration or, in cases when the grievance is against the Administration, to the HR Representative on the Board of Directors.
All employees offered housing for a term longer than 29 continuous days will be required to sign a Housing Agreement before they reach the 30th continuous day of housing.
Who May Be Housed
Family housing (including single-person housing) may be offered to employees, their spouse, and their minor children (family members). Adult children, relatives, friends, domestic help, and overnight guests may stay in housing as guests of employees for up to 7 days without approval. Longer stays must be requested and approved in advance by the administration in writing by regular mail, email, or hand-delivered correspondence. The employee assumes responsibility and liability for all people staying in the residence at all times and is required to inform all people staying in the residence for any amount of time of Camp policy, including the housing rules in this policy. All people staying in the residence agree by their presence to follow the moral and behavioral principles in Employee Code of Conduct. Violations by the employees or family members may be grounds for discipline by the administration and may, in some cases, lead to termination or loss of Camp housing. Violations by non-family members and non-employee people staying the in residence may be grounds for discipline by the administration or a request to leave Camp housing or the premises.
As a Christian ministry, Camp does not allow employee live-in boy friends or live-in girl friends or live-in fiancés (co-habitation) or overnight stays in the same housing for any person and individuals to whom they are attracted romantically or sexually. In the interest of supporting discipleship, the Administration can be contacted as a resource if housing issues arise in the area of sexual purity and keeping the Employee Code of Conduct. Overnight stays will be interpreted as violations of the sexual conduct in the Employee Code of Conduct and may be grounds for discipline, including employment termination and loss of housing.
Group housing (shared cabins, dormitories, group camp sites, and multi-person apartments) may be offered to employees, and, in such cases, is extended only to the employee. Employees in group housing may have overnight guest for 7 days or less with the approval of both all room mates in the group housing and the Administration. All guests, whether day or overnight guests, are the responsibility of the hosting employee while anywhere on Camp premises, and the employee assumes responsibility and liability for guests and is required to inform guests of Camp policy, including the housing rules in this policy . All people staying in the residence agree by their presence to follow the moral and behavioral principles in Employee Code of Conduct. Violations by non-employee people staying the in residence may be grounds for discipline by the administration or a request to leave Camp housing or the premises.
Group housing is gender-specific and different-gendered individuals may not enter housing that does not match their sex assigned at birth and their gender without express Administration approval. Gatherings of any size between individuals of different genders should occur in Camp’s public areas without impact on guest groups or Program use of facilities. Overnight stays of different-gendered individuals or with individuals with whom employees are romantically or sexually attracted will be interpreted as violations of the sexual conduct in the Employee Code of Conduct and may be grounds for discipline, including employment termination and loss of housing. In the interest of supporting discipleship, the Administration can be contacted as a resource if housing issues arise in the area of sexual purity and keeping the Employee Code of Conduct.
Employees may request that relatives, friends, and over-night guests be provided accommodation in the separate guest lodging areas (cabins, motel rooms, dormitory rooms, camp sites, RV sites) for regular fee, discounted fee, or no cost, subject to availability and the discretion of the Administration and Guest Services. Requests should be made by phone, text, or email to Guest Services who will coordinate with the Administration. Stays longer the 7-days require Administration approval in writing.
Camp Access to Housing
All employees are required to provide the Administration, Facilities Department, and their appointed representative access to housing for monitoring and maintenance purposes with reasonable notice. In emergency cases that may result in damage to property or safety issues, and reasonable notice is not practical, Camp representatives may enter housing with Administration or Facilities Director approval and notice of such entering will be provided to residence as soon as practical.
Employees may not change locks or block access to Camp property without consent from the Administration or Facilities Director and must provide keys or similar means to access locked or blocked areas to Camp when given such consent.
Maintenance and Repairs
Maintenance and repairs to housing will be managed in partnership between resident employees and the Facilities Director on a per-housing basis. Some housing requires maintenance tasks to be done by resident employees (i.e. mowing lawns, changing water filters, checking smoke detector batteries). These tasks will be assigned by the Facilities Director in conversation with resident employees and recorded in writing at the time of Housing Agreement.
Costs due to maintenance and repairs will be assigned and managed as follows:
- Costs of consumable home goods will be the responsibility of residents including home furnishings, light bulbs, home linens, and paper goods (toilet paper, paper towels, etc). (As a general rule, if it is in the house, but not attached to it, it is the responsibility of the resident employee.)
- Costs related to fixtures, structures, and grounds maintenance and repair will be the responsibility of Camp. When residents have agreed to be assigned to conduct such maintenance and repairs, they will seek approval from the Facilities Director for purchase and turn in applicable invoice and receipts to the Facilities Director.
- While accidents are bound to happen and wear-and-tear is expected, major costs arising from neglect or abuse of property by resident employees may be the responsibility of the employee at the discretion of the Administration.
Notification about needed maintenance and repairs should be made to the Facilities Director as soon as possible. Tasking to complete maintenance and repairs will be at the discretion of the Facilities Director based on priorities considering all maintenance and repair tasks at Camp.
Resident employees are generally expected to furnish their own living areas except in the following conditions:
- Sort term residence of employees makes this impractical (i.e. Summer Camp Staff)
- Employees serving in interim, temporary, or trans-local basis (i.e. missionary serving for multi-month term)
Camp has a stock of donated furniture and furnishings that may be made available to resident employees at the discretion of the Facilities Director and/or Administration. It is the responsibility of the resident employee to maintain such furnishings in good condition and return them to Camp when requested or at the completion of residence and/or employment.
Furnishings that require hard connection to the structure of buildings (hard mounting, plumbing, electrical) beyond pictures and light wall hangings should be approved by the Facilities Director and installed with consultation. In no case should a furnishing risk the safety of Camp personnel or buildings, be a hazard or a nuisance, or do damage to property.
Rules Related to Housing
Stewardship of Housing – It is the responsibility of all resident employees to maintain and care for their housing to keep it in good condition and working order. Housing should not be abused or neglected and damage and loss of value should be avoided at all costs. Housing may not be painted or remodeled without Facilities Director approval. It is the responsibility of employees to vacate property within two weeks of a Administrative request to move or termination of employment unless expressed in writing by the Administration. All property should be returned to move-in ready condition at the end of residence.
Good Conduct in Housing – All persons in housing should act in loving and respectful ways according to the teachings of Jesus and the Employee Code of Conduct. Sexual harassment, violence, and verbal or physical base will not be tolerated.
Substance Use and Abuse – The possession, use, distribution, or sale of illegal “street” or pharmaceutical drugs in Camp Housing is prohibited. In addition, the possession and use of cannabis-derived substances containing THC is prohibited. Smoking, vaping, snuff, chew and use of tobacco products is prohibited inside and within 25 yards of all buildings. The possession and use of alcohol is prohibited in group housing (shared cabins, dormitories, group camp sites, and multi-person apartments). Consumption of alcohol in the guest area is always prohibited.
Firearms, Weapons, Fireworks, and Explosives – Firearms, weapons (for definition: any knife with a blade greater than 5” and all items classified in NY State Law Penal Code under section 265), fireworks, and explosives are prohibited from Group Housing. Fireworks and Explosives are prohibited from all Camp buildings and grounds without Administration approval in writing. Employees in family and single housing may request permission to possess firearms and weapons from the Administration in writing. Approval will require and firearms and weapons to be kept in a secure way according to the standards of the Administration so they do not pose a hazard to anyone at Camp. Firearm and weapon use in target practice or hunting will be regulated by the Administration and confined to areas and times based on Administration discretion.
Pets and Animals – To avoid allergy contamination of housing, fur- and feather-bearing pets are prohibited from employee residences without prior written approval of the Administration. Other pets (i.e. fish and reptiles) may be kept in enclosed cases and aquariums that contain the animal and all bedding, food, excrement, and substrate so walls and floors are not damaged. Livestock and outdoor animals may be kept in appropriate, designated areas with approval of the Administration.
Note: The previous Housing Policy was set by Board Action, but was converted to an Administrative Action by a majority vote Board Action at the 7-20-24 meeting.
Policy Type: Administrative Action
Status: PROPOSED (7-09-24) | Board Affirmation: AFFIRMED