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Summer Camp Electronics Policy

Let’s face it, we love electronics.  Actually, we may be addicted to them.  Computers, I-things, and video games are cool and camp doesn’t have a problem with them being cool.  Unfortunately, often electronics and their use do not reflect Camp Deerpark’s core values.  For example:  «Community» is a core value at Camp Deerpark .  When we put in ear buds we are shutting out the world, and the community around us.  That said, Camp Deerpark’s has certain guidelines regarding electronics not because we hate technology, but because we want to stay true to who we are.  Some of the guidelines are direct results of past situations which we would like to avoid repeating.

Internet:  Yes!  We have the internet and you may use it at the appropriate times and in the appropriate places.  There is a small wireless network and the key is «Blessing».  Unfortunately, the network is so small that it doesn’t reach to the staff lounge

Computers: (this includes I-pads)  A computer with internet will be provided in the staff lounge for staff use.  Staff may bring computers and use them within the following guidelines.

  • Computers must not be in the camper’s sleeping quarters. (Campers should not be able to have access to computers or your phone)
  • Computers/Phones should not be used in public areas
  • Generally speaking, computers/phones can be used in the staff lounge or in rooms occupied only by support staff
  • The above guidelines do not apply when campers are not at camp (weekends)
  • Computers owned by Camp Deerpark are for business use.  

Music is important to almost everyone, so staff are encouraged to play it for everyone to hear.  Feel free to use speakers instead of ear buds.  Play music in your cabin, play music in the kitchen, play music on the bus.

Headphones/ear buds:  Because of their isolating nature, headphones and earbuds may only be used on one ear, if other people are in your area AND if you are a Program or Kitchen Assistant. If you are working and need both in headphones in, the volume should be low so you can hear your surroundings. Counselors may only use headphones on their break time away from campers. Failing to follow this will result in you being written up.

Movies:  The values in most movies contradict the core values of Camp Deerpark. 

  • Guidelines for Campers:  One of our goals at Camp Deerpark is to engage campers and build relationships rather than just provide entertainment.  Generally speaking, movies don’t help us accomplish that goal.  Because of this, we rarely show movies to campers.  All movies shown to campers must be approved by the Summer Camp Director. Sorry, you can’t spontaneously show campers your favorite movie, even if it’s «Cars».
  • Guidelines for Staff: Staff are encouraged to find more uplifting ways to spend their time, but not forbidden from watching movies.  In a support staff room is the most appropriate place for this to happen.  If you want to watch a movie with the opposite gender, talk with a director about using a public place at a time when it won’t be used. 
  • Content Guidelines: Camp is place that seeks to glorify Christ.  While camp does not regulate the movie content that you watch, you are encourage to glorify God in what you watch and how much time you spend watching it.  We often sing the song «I command my eyes to praise the Lord», this is an opportunity to live out the song.  That said:  staff who are under 18 may not watch R rated movies.

Music: Music is an important part of our culture, unfortunately, a majority of the culture’s music contradicts the values of Camp Deerpark.  It is important that all aspects of our ministry present the same message.  It would be inconsistent to teach one set of values, and play music which promotes a contradicting set of values.  Camp Deerpark belongs to Christ, and everything that happens here should point campers to Him.  Because of this, only Christian music or instrumental music will be audibly played at Camp Deerpark.  If you have secular music which you would like to play, it needs to be approved by the Program Director or Assistant Program Director.

Other I-pods, I-touch, other music playing devices: It is completely ok to have I-pods and other music devices at camp.  They should be used in accordance with the music and headphones/earbud guidelines.  If the device has features like the internet, those features should be used according to the guidelines for «computers».

Cell phones: Our goal is to both communicate efficiently and not have the program disrupted by ringing phones or texting counselors.  Staff may carry and use cell phones at camp provided they do not disrupt the program.  (a disruption is when a person is distracted from the program/campers by the phone).  «Out of sight and out of mind» is a good guideline.  You may have a phone in your pocket, but keep it to yourself.  Have it set on «silent» or vibrate and don’t use it to call camper parents ever. Parents should only be called on the Program Director’s phone.

At Camp Deerpark, phone use generally falls into two categories:  personal use, or camp related use.

  • Personal use:  Phone use for personal reasons should happen when the staff person is away from other people and on break.  The line «sorry, I have to take this» doesn’t work at camp.
  • Camp related use:  While you can use the phone for camp use at any time, you are encouraged to use discretion about the situations where you might use the phone. Often it is less disruptive to step out to send a quick text inquiring «is the pool closed because of thunder?» than it would be to actually go find the person.

Gaming systems; Leave your gaming systems at home.  If your electronics have games, play them when you go home.

Boom boxes, I-home, and other speaker equipped devices:  These type of devices are encouraged.  Music is a big part of our culture, why not build community by listening together?  By playing music in our cabins, the kitchen, at the pool… we are filling Camp Deerpark with the praise of Christ.

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