Pa Pr Pw

Pastor, Missionary, an Church Planter Personal Retreat Policy

Purpose: To support pastors, missionaries, and church planters in their ministry by providing space for devotion, spiritual formation, personal renewal, bible study, reflection, and/or sabbath rest.

For the case of this policy, church planters, missionaries, and bi-vocational pastors are considered “pastors” and qualify for this service so long as they are a recognized leader (affirmed by fellow pastor, congregational elders, or a bishop, or credentialed, licensed, or overseen by an agency) and have major ministry responsibilities.

Pastors and their nuclear families may qualify to retreat at Camp for free (no cost for lodging) when the following conditions are met:

  1. They book Mon-Thurs when Camp has vacancy.  Vacancy is confirmed 60 days before the date of retreat and once confirmed, the booking is guaranteed according to Camp’s usual Terms of Service.
  2. The pastor meets one of the following criteria:
    • pastors a Camp Deerpark owning church (a NYC Mennonite Council Church)
    • pastors a Mennonite-affiliated or theologically Anabaptist church
    • pastors any church booked to use Camp within 12 months prior or afterward
  3. The purpose of the retreat is devotion, spiritual formation, personal renewal, bible study, reflection, and/or sabbath rest.

Pastors are expected to pay Camp rates (certain discounts may apply) in the following situations:

  • When booking an extended or multi-family group retreat or retreat with friends.
  • When booking lodging for the primary purpose of touring or doing activities away from Camp (a entertainment-focused vacation, rather than a retreat).
  • When meals are provided during the stay and the pastor’s family elect not to provide their own food (meal rates apply).

Policy Type: Administrative Action
Status: PROPOSED (9-15-24) | Board Affirmation: PENDING

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