Ways To Give


At Camp Deerpark we believe giving is an act of worship that brings joy to the community and the giver.

Our camp community is blessed to have a family of donors who have found meaningful ways to contribute to Camp Deerpark, bringing them personal joy as they answer a call in a concrete way.  Thank you for joining the family.


A core value of Camp Deerpark is to “express the love of Jesus.”  You can be assured that your gift will impact the lives of children, youth, and families of New York City with the love of Jesus. 


Thanks to your commitment and creativity we are happy to offer several ways to be involved with Camp Deerpark and serve Christ through gifts – gifts that may speak to your heart in a specific way.  We are only able to serve because you join us.

Ways To Partner With Camp:

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    Promise Circle

    Monthly giving.

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    To use where needed most.

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    So no one is turned away.

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    Building the future.

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    Bequests & Endowment

    Leaving a legacy.

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    Land Stewardship

    Living wisely in creation.

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    To honor the ones you love.

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    Leadership Development

    To serve Christ.

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    Wish List

    A concrete need.