Camp Deerpark is a ministry of the New York City Mennonite Churches – a community of Christ where children, youth, and families from all cultures are welcomed to fellowship together in the serenity of God’s creation.
As an outreach of 18 New York City Mennonite Churches, Camp Deerpark stands alone as a camping ministry owned by and dedicated to serving inner-city Mennonites. The camp offers people of all ages, races, and backgrounds the opportunity to enjoy Christian camping at a reasonable price.
Distinctive to Camp’s program are:
- Cross-cultural ministry (both in terms of ethnic culture and rural/urban culture)
- Opportunities for hands-on leadership and ministry experience for inner-city youth
- Affordable and welcoming retreat facilities

Camp Deerpark Core Values:
What We Believe:
- Express the Love of Jesus and Biblical Principles
- To every person that comes on to the camp grounds.
- By having integrity in all business dealings.
- By fostering Christian community
- Stay tightly connected to our original mission. Camp Deerpark is owned by the New York City Mennonite Churches and our mission is to serve those churches.
- Hospitality is central to our summer camp and retreat ministry.
- We are an organization that considers policy in the context of people.
- Be good stewards of the resources God has given us.
Want to know more about our Mission and Values? Check out Mission and Values on our Knowledge Base.
As a ministry of the Mennonite Churches of New York City, we affirm the 1995 Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective as a statement of faith. While we do not require people visiting Camp or groups using our facilities to affirm this confession, it describes the witness our community wants to share with all we serve.
The full version is a detailed document with helpful commentary describing core concepts held by many Christians and the Mennonite interpretation of those concepts (available here). For a helpful summary in 24 points, see Confession of Faith on our Knowledge Base.
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