Join The Promise Circle

Join the growing circle of monthly donors when you choose a recurring donation at a level that brings you joy. Monthly gifts are a blessing by allowing camp to better plan fiscally knowing they are supported every month by a community of givers.


A monthly gift is easy. You are able to set a comfortable amount that meets your personal giving goals. Camp can then automatically deduct this amount from a credit card or bank account by electronic fund transfer each month and the donation will show on your monthly statement for you to track. Before long you will find that even a very modest gift amount has made a significant annual impact. When circumstances change simply call camp to discontinue.

Exciting news for the Promise Circle in 2021!

Adding 33 new monthly donors by Fall 2021 will be matched with a $10,000 gift from the Hahn Family Foundation. If you’re thinking of joining this is the year to do so!

Just choose “recurring gift” on the donation form.

"On Friday afternoon when I walk home from work I see all of the stores with their merchandise out on the street enticing me to buy.  I smile because I don’t have to make a decision about buying a new blouse or giving to Camp Deerpark.  I have already given to camp and that brings me joy."

-Margie Middleton - camper mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother
