Smoke Signals Blog

Homecoming $20k Match: Investing in Camp is investing in each other! 1

Homecoming $20k Match: Investing in Camp is investing in each other!

When someone gives a gift to Camp, they’re not just supporting our organization. Their gift is actually an investment in the life of our community of churches. They are demonstrating their faith in the vision Jesus has of life together: that our fellowship has the power the change us and the world. In this faith,…

Homecoming Festival

Homecoming Festival is an open invitation end-of-Summer celebration welcoming all Camp constituents. Details about the event are published on the Homecoming Page along with a form for registration. Related Blog Posts Related Threads Related threads are tagged Homecoming.

Reflection on 33 Years of Service 2

Reflection on 33 Years of Service

Ken Bontrager has been away from Camp for a few months now enjoying semi-retirement in Florida. He spent a bit of this time happily mowing a golf course while he reflected on his time in New York. Ken will be back with us at Homecoming on September 7. We’ll have a special time to connect…

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