Smoke Signals Blog

Confession of Faith

Confession of Faith is a Summary Statement of the 1995 Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective affirmed by Camp Deerpark and the Mennonite Churches of New York City who own the Camp. The full text of the document, including helpful commentary and interpretation is available here. 1. We believe that God exists and is pleased with all who…

Homecoming $20k Match: Investing in Camp is investing in each other! 1

Homecoming $20k Match: Investing in Camp is investing in each other!

When someone gives a gift to Camp, they’re not just supporting our organization. Their gift is actually an investment in the life of our community of churches. They are demonstrating their faith in the vision Jesus has of life together: that our fellowship has the power the change us and the world. In this faith,…

How Do You Define Mission? 2

How Do You Define Mission?

When somebody says “I’m on a mission”, what do you think of? If the word is said in church, what is the first thing that comes to mind? You may think of someone clutching a Bible in a jeep jostling down jungle roads. Or you cold be thinking of a caring staff at an remote…

Signs and The Summer Camp High 3

Signs and The Summer Camp High

Some people talk about “The Summer Camp High” as if it’s not real. I have to admit, I did too. It’s an easy target: people come back buzzing with energy and excitement and ready to be really spiritual and maybe even change the world. But by the time school starts again, where has all that…

What is A Mission Statement? 4

What is A Mission Statement?

On the LMC NYC District call this month, Dr. Tiffany shared critical information on what is and what is not a mission statement. This is critical as we think about moving the congregations in our district forward towards mission, optimize the mission already underway, and align together on the LMC mission as district churches. In…

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