Flushmate C-100500-K Replacement Cartridge

  1. Turn off the water and flush the toilet.
  2. Hold te actuator down until the vessel is completely drained.
  3. Actuator rod removal is simple procedure using a screwdriver. Disconnect the rod from the handle assembly. To do this loosen the front screw and turn clip out of the way. (Don’t take screw out as it would be easy to drop into the tank and may be a challenge to retrieve.) This will allow you to lift the actuator rod and slide it out toward the front of the tank. (Set it aside where you wouldn’t step on it.)
  4. Remove cartridge by inserting the pliers handle into the spooks of the cartridge or their Flushmate 2-in-1 wrench. Remove the cartridge assembly by turning in a counter clockwise direction.
  5. Remove the cartridge.
  6. Before yu install the new Flushmate cartridge, first turn the water supply back on and allow the water to flow for about 30 seconds. If there is any debris that has been trapped inside the Flushmate unit, this should clear it away. look inside the flushmate unit to make sure there is no debris inside the sealed surface. Debris or defects in the sealed surface can cause the unit to continue to run on.
  7. Then, reinstall the cartridge by turning the cartridge assembly counter-clockwise while pushing down and applying some pressure to avoid cross-threading. Stop when you hear an audible click, caused by the threads engaging.
  8. Next, turn clockwise to install the cartridge back into position until a thread or two of the Flushmate unit are showing above the cartridge.
  9. Then, turn turn the water back on and keep slowly turning the cartridge in 1/4 clockwise turn increments, waiting 15 seconds between turns until the water stops running into the toilet bowl. Once the water stops, no additional adjustments to the cartridge should be required.
  10. Install the flush rod and make sure there is no interference in the proper adjustments to actuator is made. The actuator may also need to be adjusted if you have a push button model. In either case, the proper clearance between the flush rod of push button to the actuator is important to ensure proper flushing actuation.
  11. How to Test and Replace: Flush Cartridge of Flushmate

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