A Life of Service

I believe the most important thing to God is not our personality, knowledge, or talents, but our availability. How willing and ready are we to respond when He calls, and how ready are we to do what He says? What use to the Lord are people who could do what he wants with excellence and style, but don’t have the time or attention to actually do it?

I first met Edgar Stoesz when I was Camp Construction Project Manager. He came for a few days to do a service project and he built firewood shelters that keep the campfire wood dry with his grandson. I appreciated his can-do attitude and his help, as I did for all retirees who gave time to Camp. But at that point, I had no idea the extent of his service.

A Life of Service 1
Edgar Stoesz 1930-2025

In his career, Edgar served as an executive and employee of many important and impressive organizations and companies. But what may be more remarkable was what he did after he retired. His post-retirement business card read “Servant at Large” — and he lived up to the title, helping wherever he could. This included chairing the boards of three international development and service organizations — like Habitat for Humanity and Bridge of Hope National — and helping to found three companies that are thriving today. At the stage of life when many people think, “I’ve given my service, now it’s about me,” Edgar thought “now I am at my best for the Lord and the Kingdom.” In fact, after completing his morning prayers each day, he would stand and say out loud to the Lord, “I offer myself in your service this day.”

Edgar was called from his earthly service on March 12, 2025 after 95 faithful years.

Camp is a community of service. Let us praise God for Edgar and the many, many people who have answered God’s call and have served or are serving here to make Camp what it is today. We need your prayers so we will be radically available for God to do his work in the lives of others. Please join us in asking God to send us those who desire to serve and support the youth, families, and churches of NYC.

Praise God With Us:

  • Praise God for a safe maple sugar season and the hard work of Ethan and Noah Cheek in anchoring this year’s harvest. Thanks also for the volunteers who helped, not the least of which: the Shirk family who came to boil and give guidance!
  • Praise God that Vini Quinteros will be joining Celmali as co-Camp Pastor this summer. Vini works in restorative justice in the Newark Public School System and works with children and families at Salt & Light Church in Montague NJ.

Please Pray For:

  • Inter-generational connection and reconciliation — our theme for Peace Camp this year.
  • Camp’s re-development of our ministry, training, and discipleship model and methods and our work with NYC Leaders and LMC Leaders on every-member missions, church multiplication, and movement dynamics.
  • Recruitment for next year’s Summer Camp staff, especially Camp Pastor and Head Counselors.

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Building Belonging

By Ben Cheek | February 24, 2025

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A Spirit-filled Christmas: The Joy in Judgement

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