How Do You Define Mission?

When somebody says “I’m on a mission”, what do you think of? If the word is said in church, what is the first thing that comes to mind? You may think of someone clutching a Bible in a jeep jostling down jungle roads. Or you cold be thinking of a caring staff at an remote outpost in the dusty savanna passing out food and medicine.

This question was asked by Dr. Tiffany Powell on our monthly NYC LMC District Zoom call with Bishop Hyacinth Stevens. After just a few minutes of conversation, the responses revealed some extraordinary ideas:

How Do You Define Mission? 1

The word mission means “sent”. This means mission is central to Christianity. First, Jesus was SENT to redeem us and reunite us as children of God. Then, Jesus sent all of us to bring his message and love to the world. In fact, the church — literally, the assembly of those “called out” — are called out of the broken human mess specifically in order to SENT to transform it.

It’s worth thinking about: How are you being sent? What’s your mission?

It doesn’t have to be in a foreign county or far-off field. It doesn’t even have to be in religious spheres. It just has to be something you’re sent by God to do.

Don’t know? Come up to the mountain at Camp to focus and figure it out.

Do you know and you’re wondering about who will partner with you to pursue it? Camp is your partner, and we’re also a community of people on mission who can open up a network of relationships and resources to make your mission successful.

Reflection on 33 Years of Service 2

Reflection on 33 Years of Service

By Ben Cheek | August 2, 2024

Ken Bontrager has been away from Camp for a few months now enjoying semi-retirement in Florida. He spent a bit of this time happily mowing a golf course while he reflected on his time in New York. Ken will be back with us at Homecoming on September 7. We’ll have a special time to connect…