Prince of Peace

Camp’s mission statement says we offer people the opportunity to fellowship in “serenity”. Serenity literally means “clear skies” — a state of refuge from the storms of the World. Right now, our World does feel pretty stormy with a divided country going into an election and numerous disasters and conflicts abroad and at home. Because of this, I thought, “Camp should do something to help people find fellowship and serenity in this season.” That’s the genesis of our new Zoom/Webinar series Prince of Peace: Jesus and Peacebuilding from the Election to the Holidays.

Prince of Peace 1

In this series, we’ll talk about real, practical, Jesus-inspired strategies for peacebuilding in your life, relationships, and communities — at a time when it’s needed most. Things are likely to be wild during this election (they kind of already are), and followers of Jesus have a opportunity to work for peace in this season…if we are willing to learn from his Kingdom principles and peacebuilding practices.

In each session, we’ll dive into a different aspect of this peacebuilding work. Don’t worry: we’re NOT going to focus on issues, political agendas, or candidates — there’s plenty of that going on already. We WILL focus on what we can do to promote peace, love, and Kingdom outcomes in our life spheres. Interested? Use the form below to sign-up and you’ll get an invite a few days before each event. Want to know more? Scroll down the page for details on each session.

Schedule and Sessions


Releasing and Loving “The Other Side” | 10/24 7PM EST

This session will explore what we do with those in our lives who see things differently — even very differently. We will do this using a paradigm from missions and peacebuilding of committing people to Jesus and releasing them so we can truly love them. We’ll talk with MCC Peace Educator Nathan Toews about Peace Practices and how to use them in our lives, relationships, and organizations. In this session: How I helped start a anti-vax, anti-masking, “alt-news” church during COVID though I’m non of those things. What the Native American Two-Rows Wampum (Gaswéñdah) teaches about inter-generational / inter-cultural / inter-modal. Does Jesus teaching on Old and New Wine in Luke 5 give us a model? Can we look to Paul’s teaching in Romans 14 for an example? How the mission concept of distinguishing between planting seeds and trees could help. Plus resources for using the Peace Practices where you are. Video & Session Notes


From Inner Peace to the Holiday Table | 11/14 7PM EST

When the people around us challenge our peace, it requires us to draw on something deeper in order to continue extending the hospitality required by the Gospel. We’ll talk with Jason Storbakken of Brooklyn Peace Center / Manhattan Mennonite Fellowship about his lifestyle of radical hospitality and how he uses practices that nurture inner peace so he can continue to welcome others. In this session: Why a painful Thanksgiving conversation at my Uncle’s house made me stop going and what I wish I would have known then. The connection between peacebuilding inwardly and outwardly. The insight from James 4 about the internal origin of conflict. How Jesus connected the inward work of the Holy Spirit and his gift of peace in John 14. Plus resources for building your own inner peace for hospitality. Session Notes


Peace Making Presents | 12/19 7PM EST

Advent celebrates the central fact that God began building peace with us by giving a Gift. Following this example, gifts are a powerful tool for peacebuilding in our lives, relationships, and organizations. We’ll explore how gifts — of empathy, time, attention, and material things — can transform situations and hearts. In this session: Giving Across Someone’s Story: how a simple secret about unexpected gifts can be used to open up space for peace and transformation. The surprising context of Jesus’ Luke 16 advice to use wealth to build relationships and its connection to his advice about living stress-free. A mini-workshop on gift ideas for those we want to impact with peace. Plus a special gift from Camp to you.

A Little History

During the “Triple Crisis” that occurred around the 2020 election cycle — the COVID19 Pandemic, George Floyd / Black Lives Matter / MeToo, and the January 6 Turmoil — Ken and Kevin put out a series of essays on Race and Diversity. Race is a sub-text for many people in the current election, whether in the controversy over DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) efforts and Critical Race Theory in businesses, schools, and government; the authenticity of certain candidates racial identity; or the debate about Immigration Policy. These short essays layout some of Camp’s story and position and offer some helpful thoughts on what Peacebuilding looks like, and can be applied beyond issues of race to consider diversity in political thought and social issues.

2020 Essays on Race and Diversity | Start with Essay 1: Whose Side Are You On?


Spruce Lodge Dinning room floor

By Gino Rodriguez | February 2, 2025

Spruce Lodge Tiles in the dinning room were installed over paneling plywood and the plywood was lifting. We had to cut out the damaged plywood and replaced it and replaced the damaged tiles.

Frozen pipe that broke in the rear of the motels

By Gino Rodriguez | February 2, 2025

Pipe froze and broke in two different places. The pipe was cut and replaced with pex piping and shark bite vale and fittings.

Gas leak in the rear of the motels

By Gino Rodriguez | February 2, 2025

In the process of removing the gas stoves in motel five and six while remodeling them we were able to find a gas leak in one of the lines. One of the fittings were cracked and gas was leaking. The fitting was replaced and extra lines running to the stoves that were removed were eliminated.

What Does it Mean to be Spirit-Led with Pastor Mark Perri

By Ben Cheek | January 19, 2025

One small contribution I can make is to share story with you. This could be valuable in several ways: First, I’m coming to the Mennonites from the outside — from non-denominational GenX “simple/ organic/ emergent church“. Sometimes people coming from outside-in have a helpful perspective for those trying to move from inside-out. Second, as an…

2025 NYC LMC District Call Schedule

By Ben Cheek | January 19, 2025

Mark these dates in your calendar if you’re part of the NYC LMC District and want to attend the English-language fellowship and resourcing calls led by Bishop Hyacinth Stevens: January 27th – 6:30 PM February 24th – 6:30 PM March 31st – 6:30 PM April 28th – 6:30 PM May 19th – 6:30 PM June 30th…

Winter: Life Under the Surface 2

Winter: Life Under the Surface

By Ben Cheek | January 11, 2025

On the surface, winter with its cracking and cold seems like the enemy of life. Everything sleeps as though dead, and Camp — quiet and empty — sits waiting. But under the surface, winter is revealed to be a friend to life, not an enemy. In the deep frost, God opens the soil for Spring’s…

Peace Making Presents 3

Peace Making Presents

By Ben Cheek | December 19, 2024

This is Session 4 of the Prince of Peace: Jesus and Peacebuilding from the Election to the Holidays webinar series. Advent celebrates the central fact that God began building peace with us by giving a Gift. Following this example, gifts are a powerful tool for peacebuilding in our lives, relationships, and organizations. We’ll explore how…

Pain and Need Aren’t Partisan 4

Pain and Need Aren’t Partisan

By Ben Cheek | December 5, 2024

This is Session 3 of the Prince of Peace: Jesus and Peacebuilding from the Election to the Holidays webinar series. (Click here to sign up for session invites.) Sometimes people seem so different from us, we automatically assume we can’t connect. Or, we tried to connect on some level, but it quickly became way too…

What is A Mission Statement? 5

What is A Mission Statement?

By Ben Cheek | December 4, 2024

On the LMC NYC District call this month, Dr. Tiffany shared critical information on what is and what is not a mission statement. This is critical as we think about moving the congregations in our district forward towards mission, optimize the mission already underway, and align together on the LMC mission as district churches. In…

Advent Calendar 6

Advent Calendar

By Ben Cheek | November 30, 2024

Count Down the Days to Christmas with Camp! Jesus is the center of our Camp community. Let’s celebrate together the coming of the One who brings peace and salvation and life everlasting to humanity. We’ll be posting each day to Facebook and Instagram stories, but you can get our daily post in your email inbox!…