
Cleanliness is the Housekeeping building located behind Spruce Lodge. Equipment Related Threads Related threads use the Cleanliness tag.

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Promise Center

The Promise Center is a meeting space located in the Promise Woods area. The building includes the following spaces: Equipment Related Threads Threads related to the Promise Center use the Promise Center tag.

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Spruce Lodge

Spruce Lodge, also known as the Main House, is the white, gabbled building at the drive-way entrance at 200 Brandt Rd. The building includes the following spaces: Equipment Related Threads Related threads use the Spruce Lodge tag.

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Swimming Pool

The Swimming Pool is located on the hill near the Twin Birch Motels. Specifications Equipment Vendors Related Threads Related threads use the Swimming Pool tag.

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Twin Birch Motels

The Twin Birch Motels are two 3-unit lodgings containing Motels 2-7 in Main Camp located behind Spruce Lodge near the Swimming Pool. Equipment Related Threads Related Threads use the Twin Birch Motels tag.

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