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Tomatoes and Sweet Corn

Reuben and Dorothy Stoltzfus never came to Camp Deerpark empty-handed. In what became a summer tradition, they would drive to camp from their home in Pennsylvania in a car loaded with tomatoes, sweet corn and other fresh food—enough for all of the campers and staff members. Everyone especially enjoyed the corn-on-the-cob, often served at an outdoor picnic.

Reuben and Dorothy were deeply committed to the Christian ministry of camp, and enjoyed its wonderful social opportunities as well. They first visited the camp during the summer of 1969, remembered by many in New York as the Mets’ pennant year. Reuben, though, was a stalwart Phillies fan.

They usually visited camp at least once every year. They would often bring some friends along to acquaint them with the camp and its ministry. In October 1970, Reuben decided to invite two of his brothers, Jake and Abner, and their wives. It was the first time the brothers had taken a trip together.

The first camp auction was held in a barn in the early 1970s in Harleysville, Pennsylvania where Alvin Horning Jr. held regular auctions. Reuben and Dorothy attended every auction thereafter until the fall of 1994. Dorothy always provided a quilt or two and Reuben assisted by collecting sale items and helping during the auction.

“At the auction in 1991, Reuben asked for the microphone as it was time to sell the quilts,” Marion Sauder Egli recalled in a camp newsletter. “He prayed, blessing those who quilted, putting in many hours and stitches.”

Reuben served for several years on the camp committee that plans for the auctions and banquets in Pennsylvania. Reuben always enjoyed attending the banquets and meeting the many different people who assisted in the programs.

When the camp board of directors decided to build a barn in 1983, many people came together for a barn raising. The barn was built in one day. About 20 of Reuben’s Amish relatives assisted in the barn raising, as well as some members of the Kennel family, who are Dorothy’s relatives.

Tomatoes and Sweet Corn 1
Reuben & Dorothy Stoltzfus celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary at Camp Deerpark. This photo was found in an album belonging to Walter Mehr.

In September 1984, Dorothy and Reuben celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at Camp Deerpark with their children and grandchildren. It seemed fitting to celebrate there, a place where they had both greatly given and greatly received. They donated money and materials to renovate motel #7 as part of their 50th wedding anniversary.

Many memories of Reuben and Dorothy are linked with Camp Deerpark, a place they kept in their prayers. One of their favorite scriptures was Psalm 23:1–2, “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.” (KJV)

Written by Dale & Duane Stoltzfus.

Reuben and Dorothy Stoltzfus, volunteers and parents of Dale Stoltzfus, one of Camp Deerpark’s founders and camp administrator for many years.

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