Smoke Signals Blog

Advent Calendar 1

Advent Calendar

Count Down the Days to Christmas with Camp! Jesus is the center of our Camp community. Let’s celebrate together the coming of the One who brings peace and salvation and life everlasting to humanity. We’ll be posting each day to Facebook and Instagram stories, but you can get our daily post in your email inbox!…

Discipleship & Leadership Development

Discipleship & Leadership Development is life-on-life practice to grow believers to be like Jesus and to live advancing the Kingdom by their gifts, so young and old alike are fully empowered to serve Christ at Camp, in the city, and beyond. Discipleship & Leadership Development is one of Camp’s Initiatives: four major area of focus…

Mercy Space

Mercy Space or “Mercy” is the first position on The Journey Map, though it is often “hidden” in that it’s something a person or group must do to create space for spiritual journey before others even arrive to walk together. Mercy Space is created in the hear and life of a disciple-maker before any disciple…

Story of A Tree 2

Story of A Tree

A fresh tree stump is like a magnet to me. I have to look at the rings to read the tree’s story. It’s at once humbling to look inside a living thing that is much longer-lived than yourself, but also encouraging to see how it weathered the ups and downs of life, the good times…

The Journey Map

The Journey Map is an allegorical framework for Discipleship-Through-Mission that helps groups and individuals: The Three Lands Seven Positions The Map includes seven positions and two transition zones. The Land of Belonging The Land of Becoming The Land of Believing Applications Summer Camp: we’re using the first two zones/lands on The Journey Map as a…

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